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Bellicus – Surgeon Practice Headshot Module kit

Printable A4 format PDF file that you can print by yourself endless times. This is the headshot module, reporting anamotical skull, brain and venous system that can be covered with 15 different faces in order to adpat to multiple training scenarios. Once purchased you will receive the PDF file via email within 24h.

The A4 PDF file includes: 

  • n.2 anatomical brain/skull/venous system,
  • n.15 overlapping photographical faces,
  • n.5 heads with semi-transparent faces over the anatomical image,
  • n.2 A4 inches grid to MOA zeroing and practice and
  • n.1 sheet where are reported the damage/survival chance ratio for any region of the head hit.

Different head’s region have different survival rates according to the literature we reviewed between 1970 and 2020 (n.32 studies for over 30.000 cases of balistic injuries).

If needed additional faces or documents can be purchased in a second instance.

This product is designed for Law Enforcement and MIilitary Personel:

If the situation requires to perform a head-shot to immediately neutralize an armed offender, such as when a hostage is threatened or when only the head is exposed, the operator might choose to place the headshot to regions with higher survival rate (L2 vs L1minus, or L1 vs L1*). In this way, still the threat will be immediately neutralized because the headshot, but the survival rate of the threat  will be higher in comparison with headshot to the L1 or L1* regions. The use of philanthropic violence is always preferable. The current “headshot module” provides the users of multiple faces in order to enable several simulative configurations such as hostage trainings.


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